
Outdoor Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems

Fibre optic intrusion detection and location products for a wide range of applications that are, quite simply, the world’s most effective answer to securing high value assets and critical infrastructure. Designs outdoor Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems, the outer ring of an electronic security system, according to the operating scenario provided by the customer and the risk analysis carried out by the engineers of our company in order to deliver turnkey solutions.

The systems for the perimeter intrusion detection systems, that part of the protected premises which is most exposed to the outside (gardens, walls, fences etc.), ensure security all along the line surrounding the premises. It is integrated with the system of other electronic security systems and ensures the monitoring and recording of a threat. The cameras automatically turn towards the site of the intrusion. The system archives the images and other data and alarms for eventual retrospective investigations separately for each operator. At the stage of design of a perimeter intrusion detection system, we take into account the physical, topographical and structural properties of the area to be protected

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